Our Mission

To radically improve access to timely pediatric specialist care. Because it shouldn’t be this hard to get your child the care they need.

A note from Jen Wirt, founder and CEO

We noticed that something wasn’t quite right when my daughter was a baby. She wasn’t moving in the way she should, so we sought help and found ourselves in a maze of waitlists, dead-ends, and exorbitant rates. We felt helpless and stunned by how difficult it was to find anyone with availability.

I’m not alone in this experience. Twenty percent of children have a developmental delay or disability. Public programs are overwhelmed by growing demand, multi-month waitlists are the norm for both public and private services, and a dearth of in-network providers means that parents spend a fortune on pediatric developmental care from birth to kindergarten.

My professional experience developing tech products at digital health companies led me to think critically about the roots of the problem and find possible solutions. The more I sat with it, the more I saw a path forward that could serve patients, their parents, and providers equally.

That’s why I founded Coral Care — to make sure kids get the care they need, easily and affordably, and to uplift pediatric specialists.

— Jen

as seen in

We're built by

Jen Wirt
Founder & CEO
Lauren Cucinotta
VP of Marketing
Lindy Myers
M.S. CCC-SLP, Clinical Director
Karina Tsareva
Director of Operations
backed by

Find effective support for developmental delays, quickly.

Self-pay or insurance
In-person and at-home appointments
No waitlist
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